Tehran-Mazandaran freeway project
Project Name: Tehran – Mazandaran Freeway
And Project location: Tehran – Mazandaran
Project topic: Fire alarm equipment
Tehran-Mazandaran freeway is one of the busiest roads in northern Iran.
Tehran-Mazandaran freeway is one of the busiest roads in the country with an annual traffic of millions of passengers; so the need to equip this freeway with a suitable intelligent system; safe and with a global standard of fire protection, is very important. In this project, part of the Tehran-Mazandaran freeway tunnels is equipped with Honeywell Morley-IAS brand fire alarm equipment. All the equipment of this system is from Honeywell company and has global LPCB and VDS approvals.
Addressable components such as smoke and heat channel detectors, sirens and knobs with high hardness coefficient (IP67) have created a calm and safe space to protect passengers throughout the tunnel.
The flexibility provided by the support of various standard protocols by ZX5Se series panels and the use of interface modules, the possibility of integrated communication between the intelligent fire alarm system used in the environment with the intelligent control and management system (BMS) in the system. Provides management and control of the tunnel for monitoring and guidance upstream in the best and most modern way possible, which is the difference between this project and other road construction projects in the country.