The VEU series of aspirating smoke detectors are the premium detector of the VESDA-E range. An Ultra-wide sensitivity range; 15 times greater than VESDA VLP, and provision for more sampling holes provide an increased coverage in high airflow applications by at least 40%. Considerably longer linear pipe runs and extended branched pipe network configurations cater perfectly to applications with higher ceilings providing an increased coverage by up to 80% whilst allowing convenient detector mounting for ease of service and maintenance. A range of revolutionary new features provide unsurpassed detection performance, flexibility, field programmability, connectivity and reduced total cost of ownership.
The ideal solution for such areas as:
- Accommodation (Apartments, Hotels, Shops and Offices)
- Correctional Facilities
- Correctional Facilities
- Clean Rooms
- Cold Storage
- Cultural/Heritage
- Data & Telecom
- Education
- Hospitals & Healthcare
- Marine
- Nuclear Facilities
- Offices
- Oil & Gas
- Portable Switch Rooms
- Power Generation
- Records Storage
- Retail
- Transportation
- Wind Power Generation
- Warehousing
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